Most of you have loved our LACCRUE Organic Lip Moisturizer, we know it because it is our Best Seller since inception. Not only retail customuers but beauty experts from spa, salon, and permanent make up wholesalers as well. Good news is that we made it better for you having what your lips need on your summer vacation. What are the 4 Benefits of Using LACCRUE Summer Lip Moisturizer? Keep reading.

4 Benefits of Using LACCRUE Summer Lip Moisturizer
Let's get to it and let us tell you what we have improved to make it even better and healthier for your puckers!
1) It's ORGANIC - Yes, I know you know the original formulation of LACCRUE Organic Lip Moisturizer is made with USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certified ingredients. Making sure it is made with only high quality for your fine lips.
2) It's now VEGAN! - Often times, you seldom see products that are both ORGANIC and VEGAN because the definition of Vegan just meant 'no animal by products'. We made LACCRUE Summer Lip Moisturizer BOTH Organic and Vegan as an improved and healthier formulation of the lip care.
3) Organic Ingredients with Natural High SPF Properties - Fortified with with organic ingredients with a high SPF properties combined with ingredients that has a fine protective layer on your lips. Well formulated, combined, and processed to give you an integral and healthier protection for your lips need.
4) Infused with Organic Brightening Ingredient - organicallly infused and refined ingredient to give you that extra benefit of brightening the lips while it hydrated, nourished, moisturized, and protected.
These are just 4 Benefits of Using LACCRUE Summer Lip Moisturizer mentioned on top of the benefits you already get and you love from our LACCRUE Organic Lip Moisturizer. You can also use it in 5 different ways you use the original formula, LACCRUE Organic Lip Moisturizer.
Additional benefits:
- Chemical free formulation
- Chemical free sterilization process
- Sustainably sourced ingredients
- Cruelty free
- Skin tested (with 10 volunteer friends with different skin types)